Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Big Picture

We are living in the United States of America. The world's first Masonic nation. Who are the Masons? Well. it's way above our heads to explain it ourselves but we've "borrowed" some text from other sources, which should lay it out clearly. We'll start here:

No one knows just how old freemasonry is because the actual origins have been lost in time. Probably, it arose from the guilds of stone masons who built the castles and cathedrals of the Middle Ages. Possibly, they were influenced by the Knights Templar, a group of Christian warrior monks formed in 1118 to help protect pilgrims making trips to the Holy Land.

Time to Wake Up!

My associates and I have come across some things of late which have truly opened our eyes to the real world (seen and unseen) in which we live. There are some real evil workings going on here. Certain satanic agendas have been progressing behind the scenes in the name of the entertainment industry and good-will government (to name a few power players). They must be close to their "takeover" 'cause they're not hiding so much anymore. We've decided to create this blog so we can keep our eyes open for the signs are being revealed right before our eyes. We have been taught to shun/look away from certain beliefs and practices but that doesn't mean they don't exist and aren't being used for the sake of power and control. You can sleepwalk into the grave they dig for you, or you can become conscious so that when it's time you are prepared to fight the good fight. No, we're not trippin'. If your are a doubting sleepwalker, do your homework and stay in faith. If you are AWAKE, like us, please continue to check in and join us on our journey as we shed light on their agenda. We must be prepared for what's to come and being informed is a part of it. Love & Light in the name of Jesus Christ.